Eisdir: Illegal Operation on a Directory, Read

Jason Walker


January 23, 2019, i:53:07 AM ane/23/19

to Firebase Google Grouping

I repeatedly receive this error when deploying my hosting projection: Fault: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read

Anyone have guidance to offering on how to address the error?

I should note that this folder is on the google file stream 'G drive' of my calculator.

Below is screenshot of mistake and contents of the .log file, redacted a fleck.


Heres the contents of firebase-debug.log:

[debug] [2019-01-22T17:xxx:46.339Z] ----------------------------------------------------------------------

[debug] [2019-01-22T17:thirty:46.342Z] Command:       C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe C:\Users\jason\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\firebase-tools\lib\bin\firebase.js deploy

[debug] [2019-01-22T17:30:46.342Z] CLI Version:   6.3.0

[debug] [2019-01-22T17:thirty:46.342Z] Platform:      win32

[debug] [2019-01-22T17:xxx:46.342Z] Node Version:  v8.12.0

[debug] [2019-01-22T17:30:46.343Z] Time:          Tue Jan 22 2022 12:30:46 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

[debug] [2019-01-22T17:xxx:46.343Z] ----------------------------------------------------------------------


[debug] [2019-01-22T17:xxx:46.368Z] > authorizing via signed-in user

[debug] [2019-01-22T17:30:46.369Z] [iam] checking project ---online for permissions ["firebase.projects.get","firebasehosting.sites.update"]

[debug] [2019-01-22T17:30:46.602Z] <<< HTTP RESPONSE 200

[debug] [2019-01-22T17:30:47.277Z] <<< HTTP RESPONSE 200


[info] === Deploying to '---online'...


[info] i  deploying hosting

[debug] [2019-01-22T17:xxx:48.376Z] <<< HTTP RESPONSE 200

[info] i  hosting[---online]: beginning deploy...

[info] i  hosting[---online]: found 1587 files in public

[debug] [2019-01-22T17:xxx:50.161Z] [hosting] hash cache [cHVibGlj] not populated

[debug] [2019-01-22T17:30:fifty.359Z] Fault: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read


[error] Fault: An unexpected error has occurred.

Michael Bleigh


Jan 23, 2019, ii:07:04 AM 1/23/19

to Firebase Google Grouping

Can you try deleting the .firebase directory in your project binder? If you point your public folder at something simpler (e.one thousand. a folder with one text file in it) does it work?

Jason Walker


Jan 23, 2019, 4:08:07 AM one/23/xix

to Firebase Google Group

I deleted the .firebase folder, did firebase deploy, but got a unlike mistake.... screenshot:


Jason Walker


Jan 23, 2019, 4:08:18 AM 1/23/19

to Firebase Google Group

If I take the binder and copy information technology to my C Drive (literally to the windows desktop, and run firebase deploy, then it works!

I noticed that upon copying the folder, I get errors with some google drawing files (.draw), they cant 'copy' over so I take to skip them in the copy procedure.  Possibly its related to those files?  Or otherwsie related to the fact this folder is on the 'K: drive' created by google file stream?

On Tuesday, January 22, 2022 at two:07:04 PM UTC-5, Michael Bleigh wrote:

Jason Walker


Jan 23, 2019, 6:56:50 AM one/23/19

to Firebase Google Group

I think I've isolated the problem. The .gdraw files present in the public directory seem to exist directly related with the fault. I moved those particular files outside of the public folder and was able to deploy every bit expected.

Mackonen J


January 28, 2019, nine:36:28 AM 1/28/19

to Firebase Google Group

Try locating and removing the .npmrc folder that is located in c:/users/your username/.npmrc


Source: https://groups.google.com/g/firebase-talk/c/S4flxK9-skI

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