Can a Parent Request a Meeting to Review a 504

Manifestation Determination

Speaking to you equally a parent, I hope that you never take to know what a Manifestation Determination is. Or that yous never take to request or attend a Manifestation Determination Review Meeting.

Merely, here you are. You searched and found this article, and then you demand to know what a Manifestation Review is. Beginning, deep breaths. It's stressful, I know. I've attended many of them with clients. I'thousand going to exercise my best to guide yous through a Manifestation of Disability Hearing or Review.

Manifestation Determination Hearing

Let'due south start with what yous need to know.

What is a Manifestation Determination?

"A Manifestation Determination is required by IDEA 2004. It takes identify when the school district (LEA) is because the exclusion of a student with a inability via a disciplinary change in placement such equally a suspension or expulsion."

MDR- Manifestation of Disability Review

"Aid! The principal called and I have to become to a Manifestation Determination review….what do I do?" That's a question I hear often, too often! And while I have done posts on dealing with suspensions and discipline, I take never actually washed ane on Manifestation Hearings. And so, here goes…

You may also hear it called an MDR, which stands for Manifestation of Disability Review. Some call them MDH, Manifestation of Disability Hearing. Below is the snippet from Idea.

manifestation determination wording in IDEA
Click to read it in the statute.

When do you practice a Manifestation Determination Review?

Here is the snippet from Idea Procedural Safeguards. The full booklet is below. Remember to check your State's regulations as they may differ from Thought.

Expect! Permit'due south look at that over again.

Highlighting is mine. But what this means is, the school does not accept to wait for the full 10-days, or whatever the threshold is, before holding a Manifestation Determination Review. Keep that in mind if you are told "Well, we accept to wait for 10 days because…." No, they do not.

And here's what I do, as an Advocate for my clients.

Enquire for a Manifestation Hearing after Every Interruption.

Yeah, even the first. I practise. And I'm usually told no. But hither's why I do it.

  • As parents and advocates, nosotros want our kids to be supported rather than punished.
  • The suspension worthy behavior tells me that something is non working with either the IEP or the Beliefs Plan. And I want it fixed.
  • It creates my paper trail, should the state of affairs deteriorate.
  • The schoolhouse is now aware that I (or my client) are enlightened of both the regs and Procedural Safeguards. And that we desire the child supported and behavior modified. Recollect, there is no pedagogical statement for suspending a kid. None.

This doesn't have to exist complicated. A simple email with "Dear school, I wish to request an MDR for my child for the incident of 04-fifteen-2019. I believe that his beliefs was a manifestation of his inability and the team needs to talk over this. I am available these dates and times."

Expect them to say "No." They commonly do. I peculiarly like the "well, nosotros can't, nosotros take to wait until…" and and so I point to the Procedural Safeguards. That ordinarily gets us a new FBA at the very least.

First steps for parents.

If you lot are called or emailed to attend a Manifestation Determination Review, start you need to calm down. That'southward not meant to be cavalier. Information technology's realistic advice. You accept to have your anxiety under you and your emotions under control for this. You can bring out your inner Mama Bear, only she needs to exist cool, collected and strategic.

It has a very scary proper name, don't let that throw you lot. Also, don't let school personnel tell you "information technology'due south no large bargain, you don't even take to be at that place…"

It is a large bargain. Exist at that place. This is time-consuming but necessary. Your child is on the School to Prison house pipeline if they are beingness suspended, and you lot have to turn this around. You should too read this IDEA booklet on discipline.


Read all the documents before you sign anything.

I have had many situations where a client was suspended from school. Information technology'due south chaotic. It'southward stressful. You got called abroad from work, or wherever you were. You lot're upset and mayhap embarrassed, but you have to continue at-home and focused. Considering in the midst of all this chaos of you coming to the school to get your child (who has just exhibited interruption-worthy behavior), I accept seen school personnel stick all kinds of things under parents' noses and just say "Oh, and here, sign this and you tin take him dwelling house."

And in some cases, the parent has signed a grade like-minded to a more than restrictive placement (like alt ed) or has waived their right to a Manifestation Hearing or IEP meeting to discuss. I'll say it again–I know you're upset, but continue your feet under you and practise non sign annihilation without reading it.

If y'all take already done this, email everyone immediately. "I am sorry, but I was upset and under duress due to the situation, and I am now rescinding my signature and agreement to….(and listing whatever it was that you signed). I do wish to have a Manifestation Hearing and IEP meeting for my child'south behavior incident on May 15.""

That scrap of advice is the most important bit of communication I can give you. Stay at-home, assemble your facts and data, and treat this as a business organisation meeting.

How to Set for a Manifestation Determination Hearing

  1. The start thing you want to exercise is gather data. Ask for all incident reports and files that the school has related to this incident.
  2. Know your state's Special Educational activity Regulations. Some states take variances on suspensions, expulsions and AEDY. Familiarize yourself with these before you starting time.
  3. Prepare your research on your child's disability. What you want to get together is signs/symptoms/manifestations of your child'southward disability. For example, a classic hallmark of ADHD is impulsive behavior.
  4. Gather the electric current IEP and behavior program for your child. Yous also want to have any recent notes or emails from teachers that may offer a window into the situation. Such as, "his adjutant was absent again today."
  5. Go to your schoolhouse commune website and read/print their discipline policy. Brand sure that your kid was not punished more severely than his/her not-disabled peers would be in the same state of affairs.
  6. Read your IEP Procedural Safeguards. Yous should receive a re-create every year. Read them! Discipline is in there.
  7. Adjacent, you want to set up your worksheet. I have a copy of PA's worksheet beneath. You can look for one on the website of your state's Parent Training Heart, or utilise this one.
  8. Begin anything that could be relevant and bring the documentation for it. What I mean by this is: Many times our kids are bullied. Parents ask for aid, they don't receive. Disabled child reaches his/her breaking betoken, and lashes out at bully. And gets suspended. Listen y'all, not condoning violence. But if they were provoked, that needs to be brought up.
  9. Ask for appropriate IEP or Behavior Plan changes in writing. This is the time, follow up in writing if necessary. But if things demand to modify, at present is the time to start the discussion.

Manifestation Determination Review Examples


When you become to your meeting, someone from your child'south school volition have theirs printed out. This is what the team will get over. Make certain you have read over your state-specific policies. For example, in PA, a child with an intellectual disability cannot exist suspended for even one day without a Manifestation Determination Review.

Attention a Manifestation Determination Review

Both parents should nourish the Manifestation Determination Meeting if possible. The child should attend. Y'all can as well bring people who accept professional knowledge of your child. It would exist nice if you could get a dr. to be present, but that doesn't ofttimes happen.

However, you could inquire your kid's therapist, wraparound beliefs person or case director if they would be willing to speak on your child's behalf. Having an advocate who has been there before is always nice. And I would definitely notice an chaser if the schoolhouse plans on pressing charges.

Someone on the team will start going through the questions on the grade. The team answers and discusses them. At the Manifestation Review, present your factual information in a calm and professional manner. It is been my experience that information technology is non as hard to go the team to concur that it was a manifestation of the disability. But it is very difficult to get the squad (made up more often than not of school personnel) to hold that the IEP was inadequate or non beingness followed.

(In other words, the schoolhouse'south error.) And that is ofttimes the case!

I have had many clients with a ane:1 for behaviors and their beliefs occurred while the 1:1 was at lunch, or called in ill, or whatever. Depending on your individual situation, y'all volition have to make up one's mind if that is a battle y'all wish to fight.

Options during the Manifestation Decision Review

  • The team determines it was a manifestation of disability—> the team should go correct into reviewing the IEP and beliefs programme. Or schedule a fourth dimension in the very near future to do then.
  • If the child does not take a beliefs plan, then an FBA is scheduled.
  • The team decides it was Non a manifestation of the disability, and you disagree, ask them what the appeals procedure is.
  • Brand sure you note on the course that you disagree with this determination.

Gaslighting at Manifestation Determination Coming together

I have a post about gaslighting and IEP meetings. Honestly, I have been gaslighted at more than Manifestation Hearings than whatever other type of meeting. There was a point in my career where I was sometimes attending ii or 3 of these in a day, so I knew what to expect. And still, the school lath members would wait direct at me and say, "No, you are wrong."

It was like talking to a rock. Say your peace. Only if y'all are not getting anywhere, follow up in writing and contact your country's Protection and Advancement Bureau. You can also enquire them to prove you what they are telling you.

Again, stay calm. This is i of the most stressful things a parent volition accept to do. I personally remember they are much more stressful than IEP meetings. This is likewise another reminder to keep cracking records on your child and exercise everything in writing. If your kid has been having behaviors and you've been asking for an FBA and have been turned down, this would be a nifty time to take several emails to show them and remind them that y'all have been trying to solve this.

Special-Educational activity-Procedural-Safeguards

Idea-Manifestation Determination

Here is the direct wording from Thought. I have added my commentary in italics, so yous know what is mine and what is Idea's. This is then you pay shut attention to those sentences and phrases.

Statute/Regs Main » Regulations » Part B » Subpart E » Section 300.530

300.530 Potency of school personnel.

(a) Case-by-case conclusion. School personnel may consider whatever unique circumstances on a case-by-case footing when determining whether a change in placement, consequent with the other requirements of this section, is advisable for a kid with a disability who violates a code of student conduct.

(b) Full general.

(1) Schoolhouse personnel under this section may remove a kid with a inability who violates a code of student conduct from his or her current placement to an appropriate interim alternative educational setting, another setting, or suspension, for non more than 10 consecutive schoolhouse days (to the extent those alternatives are applied to children without disabilities), and for additional removals of not more than than ten consecutive school days in that same school twelvemonth for split up incidents of misconduct (every bit long as those removals do non constitute a change of placement under §300.536).

(2) After a child with a disability has been removed from his or her current placement for ten school days in the aforementioned school yr, during whatsoever subsequent days of removal the public agency must provide services to the extent required under paragraph (d) of this section.

(c) Additional authority. For disciplinary changes in placement that would exceed 10 sequent schoolhouse days, if the behavior that gave rise to the violation of the school code is determined not to be a manifestation of the child's disability pursuant to paragraph (eastward) of this section, school personnel may employ the relevant disciplinary procedures to children with disabilities in the aforementioned style and for the aforementioned duration every bit the procedures would be applied to children without disabilities, except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section.

(d) Services.

(1) A child with a inability who is removed from the kid's electric current placement pursuant to paragraphs (c), or (g) of this department must—

(i) Continue to receive educational services, as provided in §300.101(a), then as to enable the child to go along to participate in the general instruction curriculum, although in some other setting, and to progress toward coming together the goals fix out in the child'due south IEP; and

(two)Receive, every bit advisable, a functional behavioral assessment, and behavioral intervention services and modifications, that are designed to address the beliefs violation so that information technology does non recur.

(2) The services required by paragraph (d)(one), (d)(3), (d)(iv), and (d)(5) of this section may be provided in an interim alternative educational setting.

(3) A public agency is only required to provide services during periods of removal to a child with a disability who has been removed from his or her current placement for 10 school days or less in that school year, if it provides services to a kid without disabilities who is similarly removed.

(4) After a child with a disability has been removed from his or her current placement for x school days in the same school yr, if the current removal is for not more than 10 consecutive school days and is not a change of placement nether §300.536, schoolhouse personnel, in consultation with at least i of the child'south teachers, decide the extent to which services are needed, as provided in §300.101(a), and so as to enable the child to continue to participate in the full general education curriculum, although in another setting, and to progress toward meeting the goals set out in the child's IEP.

(5) If the removal is a change of placement nether §300.536, the child's IEP Team determines appropriate services under paragraph (d)(1) of this department.

(e) Manifestation determination.

(one) Within ten school days of any decision to change the placement of a child with a disability considering of a violation of a code of student bear, the LEA, the parent, and relevant members of the child'south IEP Squad (every bit determined past the parent and the LEA) must review all relevant information in the pupil's file, including the child's IEP, any teacher observations, and whatsoever relevant information provided by the parents to make up one's mind—

(i) If the deport in question was caused by, or had a straight and substantial human relationship to, the child'southward inability; or

(2) If the conduct in question was the direct result of the LEA'south failure to implement the IEP.

(ii) The conduct must be determined to be a manifestation of the kid's inability if the LEA, the parent, and relevant members of the child's IEP Squad determine that a status in either paragraph (e)(ane)(i) or (1)(two) of this section was met.

(3)If the LEA, the parent, and relevant members of the child'south IEP Squad determine the status described in paragraph (east)(one)(two) of this department was met, the LEA must take immediate steps to remedy those deficiencies.(f) Determination that behavior was a manifestation. If the LEA, the parent, and relevant members of the IEP Team make the conclusion that the conduct was a manifestation of the child's inability, the IEP Team must—(1) Either—

(i) Conduct a functional behavioral assessment, unless the LEA had conducted a functional behavioral assessment before the behavior that resulted in the modify of placement occurred, and implement a behavioral intervention plan for the kid; or

ii)If a behavioral intervention plan already has been adult, review the behavioral intervention plan, and change it, as necessary, to accost the behavior; and

(2)Except every bit provided in paragraph (g) of this section, return the child to the placement from which the child was removed, unless the parent and the LEA agree to a change of placement as part of the modification of the behavioral intervention program.

(g) Special circumstances. School personnel may remove a pupil to an interim alternative educational setting for non more than than 45 school days without regard to whether the beliefs is adamant to exist a manifestation of the child's disability, if the child—

(1) Carries a weapon to or possesses a weapon at school, on school premises, or to or at a school function nether the jurisdiction of an SEA or an LEA;

(2) Knowingly possesses or uses illegal drugs, or sells or solicits the sale of a controlled substance, while at school, on school bounds, or at a school function under the jurisdiction of an SEA or an LEA; or

(3) Has inflicted serious bodily injury upon another person while at school, on school premises, or at a school part under the jurisdiction of an Body of water or an LEA.

(h) Notification. On the date on which the decision is made to brand a removal that constitutes a change of placement of a child with a inability considering of a violation of a code of pupil conduct, the LEA must notify the parents of that determination, and provide the parents the procedural safeguards notice described in §300.504.

(i) Definitions. For purposes of this section, the post-obit definitions utilise:(i) Controlled substance means a drug or other substance identified under schedules I, 2, Iii, Iv, or V in section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Human activity (21 U.S.C. 812(c)).

(2) Illegal drug means a controlled substance; merely does not include a controlled substance that is legally possessed or used under the supervision of a licensed health-care professional or that is legally possessed or used under any other authority nether that Act or under whatsoever other provision of Federal police.

(3) Serious bodily injury has the pregnant given the term "serious bodily injury" under paragraph (3) of subsection (h) of section 1365 of title xviii, U.s. Code.

(iv) Weapon has the meaning given the term "unsafe weapon" under paragraph (ii) of the first subsection (g) of section 930 of championship xviii, United states of america Code.


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