Please My King Dont Forget Me Again Lucifer

South Bay Pentecostal Church building of Chula Vista, California, was vandalized on Sept. 7, 2019, reportedly because of the church building'due south open opposition to a drag queen story hour event at a local public library.

So, at to the lowest degree the drag queen story tellers are existence honest about who they answer to!  A pentagram and Satan's signature – yep, we get it.

I am so glad that this church leadership had the courage to speak out confronting the satanic Drag Queen Story Hour. It's ill and foul, and many of these drag queens have pedophilia listed on their very long rap sheets.

But when I await at photos of these drag queens, the people I am well-nigh angry about are the parents of the children!  HOW can these mothers bring their children to these events?  Are they ill? Are they demon possessed?


Church vandalized with satanic graffiti after pastor protests Drag Queen Story Hr

A church in California was vandalized after its pastor and members protested a library's decision to host a "drag queen story hour." Police force are now investigating the attack as a hate law-breaking.

South Bay Pentecostal Church of Chula Vista has been openly critical of the Chula Vista Public Library for sanctioning an effect where drag queens read to children.

Over the weekend, two suspects vandalized the church edifice, spraying graffiti on the walls, including messages promoting "Lucifer," "Satan," and "king of Hell."

Executive Pastor Amado Huizar told local news outlet KGTV aqueduct 10 that he had "no doubt" his church was targeted for its campaigning against the drag queen event.

"Sure enough, at every corner there were phrases, hateful words, and graffiti on the walls of our church," said Huizar. "I'yard heartbroken, but I am going to continue to speak."

Huizar reiterated his opposition to the event, telling KGTV that he felt the drag queen event was not historic period appropriate and should non exist held at a taxpayer-supported venue.

"If the people want to make that happen, practise it at a individual setting, at a bookstore or at a home, just not at the Chula Vista Public Library," he connected.

"When y'all do something similar a 'elevate queen story hour,' yous are excluding a segment of the populous who are not in favor of this considering of what nosotros experienced today."

The socially conservative advancement group Mass Resistance denounced the vandalism.

"As we've all seen, the rabid and unhinged pro-LGBT activists believe that no laws or rules of decorum prevent them from harassing, intimidating, and destroying anyone who disagrees with their agenda," the group said on Monday.

Chula Vista Mayor Mary Salas met with critics of the event, but said the drag queen story hour will proceed as scheduled. "There's goose egg forcing anyone to bring children here," she said.

"It'due south not whatsoever conspiracy to try to change children, to propagandize a lifestyle. This is simply an event to provide a reading selection for children," the mayor said, according to Fox 5 San Diego.

The interfaith coalition DevOUT likewise supported the outcome, with Unitarian Universalist member the Rev. Tania Marquez commending the library and regime officials.

"Our commitment to our communities is to create inclusive environments that honour the wholeness of all people," Marquez said in defence of the consequence.

"I commend the work of the city of Chula Vista library for their commitment to create inclusive and LGBTQ+ affirming programming. All genders and all gender expressions are whole and holy," he said.

Mass Resistance noted that satanic imagery is oftentimes featured by some drag queen performers, adding: "In our inquiry into the backgrounds of 'drag queen' performers targeting young children in public libraries, we have noticed a very agonizing amount of Satanic imagery and 'Church of Satan' depiction. This is also found in the LGBT movement in full general. Thus, information technology is sadly not surprising that they are attacking a Christian church with such things."

One clinical advisor recently told The Christian Mail that Elevate Queen Story Hour events institute "the greatest grooming programme always devised" and predators "are laughing all the mode to the bank."

In Texas, 2 men charged with sexually assaulting a kid were allowed to read to children at a library in Houston terminal yr as office of its Drag Queen Story Hour event. source

So…….did you lot read that last sentence?  I'll bold information technology in caps this time – so permit this sink in.


Brethren, are yous as aroused as I am?? Nosotros need to be aroused. Can you imagine what Jesus would do about the abuse of these children?

"So Jesus chosen a little child to Him, fix him in the midst of them, and said, "Assuredly, I say to y'all, unless you are converted and become every bit little children, you will by no ways enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little kid is the greatest in the kingdom of sky. Whoever receives i little kid like this in My name receives Me. "Just whoever causes one of these petty ones who believe in Me to sin, information technology would be amend for him if a millstone were hung effectually his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the earth considering ofoffenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that homo by whom the offense comes!" (Matthew xviii:ii-7)

Oh Lord God – How much longer?

How Tin can I Exist Saved?

Shalom b'Yeshua


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