Continuous Activesource Seismic Monitoring of Injection in a Brine Aquifer

Title: Measuring the effects of pore-pressure changes on seismic amplitude using crosswell continuous active-source seismic monitoring (CASSM)

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Monitoring of time-varying reservoir properties, such as the state of stress, is a primary goal of geophysical investigations, including for geological sequestration of CO2, enhanced hydrocarbon recovery (EOR), and other subsurface engineering activities. In this work, we used Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring (CASSM), with cross-well geometry, to measure variation in seismic coda amplitude, as a consequence of effective stress change (in the form of changes in pore fluid pressure). To our knowledge, the presented results are the first in-situ example of such crosswell measurement at reservoir scale and in field conditions. Data compliment the findings of our previous work which investigated the relationship between pore fluid pressure and seismic velocity (velocity-stress sensitivity) using the CASSM system at the same field site (Marchesini et al., 2017, in review). We find that P-wave coda amplitude decreases with decreasing pore pressure (increasing effective stress).

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  1. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Publication Date:
Research Org.:
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)
Sponsoring Org.:
USDOE Office of Science (SC), Basic Energy Sciences (BES). Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division
OSTI Identifier:
DOE Contract Number:
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Resource Relation:
Conference: SEG 2017, Houston, TX (United States), 24-27 Sep 2017
Country of Publication:
United States

Citation Formats

Marchesini, Pierpaolo, Daley, Thomas, and Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan. Measuring the effects of pore-pressure changes on seismic amplitude using crosswell continuous active-source seismic monitoring (CASSM). United States: N. p., 2017. Web. doi:10.1190/segam2017-17792031.1.

Marchesini, Pierpaolo, Daley, Thomas, & Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan. Measuring the effects of pore-pressure changes on seismic amplitude using crosswell continuous active-source seismic monitoring (CASSM). United States.

Marchesini, Pierpaolo, Daley, Thomas, and Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan. 2017. "Measuring the effects of pore-pressure changes on seismic amplitude using crosswell continuous active-source seismic monitoring (CASSM)". United States.

title = {Measuring the effects of pore-pressure changes on seismic amplitude using crosswell continuous active-source seismic monitoring (CASSM)},
author = {Marchesini, Pierpaolo and Daley, Thomas and Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan},
abstractNote = {Monitoring of time-varying reservoir properties, such as the state of stress, is a primary goal of geophysical investigations, including for geological sequestration of CO2, enhanced hydrocarbon recovery (EOR), and other subsurface engineering activities. In this work, we used Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring (CASSM), with cross-well geometry, to measure variation in seismic coda amplitude, as a consequence of effective stress change (in the form of changes in pore fluid pressure). To our knowledge, the presented results are the first in-situ example of such crosswell measurement at reservoir scale and in field conditions. Data compliment the findings of our previous work which investigated the relationship between pore fluid pressure and seismic velocity (velocity-stress sensitivity) using the CASSM system at the same field site (Marchesini et al., 2017, in review). We find that P-wave coda amplitude decreases with decreasing pore pressure (increasing effective stress).},
doi = {10.1190/segam2017-17792031.1},
url = {}, journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {Thu Aug 17 00:00:00 EDT 2017},
month = {Thu Aug 17 00:00:00 EDT 2017}

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