Error C0113: Error Reading Object Source Entry

  • Release Information

    • Near...
    • Release Notes

      • New and Enhanced Features for InterSystems IRIS 2021.2
      • General Upgrade Data
      • Upgrade Compatibility Checklist for InterSystems IRIS 2021.ii
      • Known Problems and Notes
      • Deprecated and Discontinued Features
      • Licensing and Apply of InterSystems Web Server
    • Supported Platforms

      • Supported Technologies
      • Supported Languages
      • Discontinued Platforms and Technologies
      • Supported Version Interoperability
      • Cross-Product Engineering science Matrix
    • Outset Looks
    • Downloading Samples
  • Deployment

    • About...
    • Containers

      • Well-nigh...
      • First Look
      • Try a Customs Edition Container
      • Running in Containers
      • InterSystems Cloud Director

        • Virtually...
        • InterSystems Cloud Manager
        • InterSystems Cloud Manager Guide

          • ICM Overview
          • Essential InterSystems Cloud Manager Elements
          • Using InterSystems Deject Manager
          • ICM Reference
          • Containerless Deployment
          • Sharing ICM Deployments
          • Scripting with ICM
          • Using ICM with Custom and Third-Political party Containers
          • Deploying on a Preexisting Cluster
      • InterSystems Kubernetes Operator

        • Near...
        • Using the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator
    • Installation Kit

      • Near...
      • Installation Basics
      • Installation Guide

        • Preparing to Install InterSystems IRIS
        • Installing InterSystems IRIS on Microsoft Windows
        • Installing InterSystems IRIS on UNIX®, Linux, and macOS
        • Upgrading InterSystems IRIS
        • Creating and Using an Installation Manifest
        • Adding UNIX® Installation Packages to an InterSystems IRIS Distribution
    • Configuration

      • Near...
      • Automating Configuration
      • Configuration Parameters

        • Introduction to the Configuration Parameter File
        • [Actions]
        • [ComPorts]
        • [config]
        • [ConfigFile]
        • [Databases]
        • [Debug]
        • [Devices]
        • [DeviceSubTypes]
        • [ECP]
        • [ECPServers]
        • [Gateways]
        • [IO]
        • [Periodical]
        • [LicenseServers]
        • [Map]
        • [MapMirrors]
        • [MirrorMember]
        • [Mirrors]
        • [Miscellaneous]
        • [Monitor]
        • [Namespaces]
        • [SQL]
        • [SqlSysDatatypes]
        • [SqlUserDatatypes]
        • [Startup]
        • [Telnet]
        • [WorkQueues]
    • Data Migration

      • Near...
      • Server Migration
      • ISQL Migration Guide

        • Overview
      • Transact-SQL (TSQL) Migration Guide

        • Planning and Performing TSQL Migration
        • InterSystems TSQL Constructs
        • InterSystems TSQL Language Elements
        • TSQL Commands
        • TSQL Settings
        • TSQL Functions
        • TSQL Variables
        • TSQL System Stored Procedures
      • DataMove
    • Adding Compiled Lawmaking
  • Administration

    • Nearly...
    • Organisation Assistants

      • Using the Direction Portal
      • Configuring InterSystems IRIS
      • Managing InterSystems IRIS
      • Managing InterSystems IRIS Licensing
      • Using InterSystems IRIS on Windows
      • Using InterSystems IRIS on UNIX®, Linux, and macOS
      • Connecting to Remote Servers
      • Using Multiple Instances of InterSystems IRIS
      • Configuring Third-Party Software to Piece of work in Conjunction with InterSystems Products
      • Feature Tracker Collects Usage Statistics
    • Monitoring

      • Virtually...
      • Monitoring Guide

        • Monitoring InterSystems IRIS Using the Management Portal
        • Using the InterSystems Diagnostic Report
        • Using Log Monitor
        • Using System Monitor
        • Gathering Global Activity Statistics Using ^GLOSTAT
        • Monitoring System Performance Using ^PERFMON
        • Monitoring Routine Performance Using ^PROFILE
        • Examining Routine Performance Using ^%SYS.MONLBL
        • Monitoring Block Collisions Using ^BLKCOL
        • Monitoring Performance Using ^SystemPerformance
        • Monitoring Functioning Using ^mgstat
        • Monitoring Processes Using ^PERFSAMPLE
        • History Monitor
        • Monitoring InterSystems IRIS Using SNMP
        • Monitoring InterSystems IRIS Using Spider web Services
        • Monitoring InterSystems IRIS Using Rest API
        • Monitoring InterSystems IRIS Using the irisstat Utility
      • Error Reference

        • General Fault Messages
        • Current Page: SQL Mistake Messages
        • TSQL Error Messages
        • System Error Messages
        • Messages Related to Productions
      • Organisation Alerting and Monitoring Awarding
    • Specialized System Tools and Utilities

      • Introduction
      • Using System Classes for National Linguistic communication Support
      • Customizing Kickoff and Stop Behavior with ^%ZSTART and ^%ZSTOP Routines
      • Extending Languages with ^%ZLANG Routines
      • Controlling InterSystems IRIS from a Windows Client
      • Using ^GBLOCKCOPY for Fast Global Copies
      • Using Switches
      • Notes on Managing InterSystems IRIS via Routines
      • Process Management
      • Using cvendian for Byte Order Conversion
  • Compages

    • About...
    • Mirroring and High Availability

      • Well-nigh...
      • High Availability Solutions
      • Loftier Availability Guide

        • Failover Strategies for High Availability
        • Mirroring Overview
        • Mirroring Architecture and Planning
        • Configuring Mirroring
        • Managing Mirroring
        • Mirror Outage Procedures
    • Scalability

      • Near...
      • Commencement Looks

        • Scaling for User Volume
        • Scaling for Information Volume
      • Scalability Guide

        • InterSystems IRIS Scalability Overview
        • Vertically Scaling InterSystems IRIS
        • Horizontally Scaling for User Volume with Distributed Caching
        • Horizontally Scaling for Data Volume with Sharding
    • Resiliency and Data Integrity

      • Well-nigh...
      • First Look
      • Data Integrity Guide

        • Introduction to Data Integrity
        • Write Image Journaling and Recovery
        • Backup and Restore
        • Journaling
        • Information Consistency on Multiple Systems
  • Security

    • Nearly...
    • Almost InterSystems Security
    • System Management & Security
    • Securing Your Case

      • Security Strategy
      • Set for InterSystems Security
      • Tighten Security for an Example
      • Security Advisor
      • Secure InterSystems Processes and Operating-System Resources
      • Checklist for Hardening Your Deployment
    • Security Tutorial

      • Authentication

        • Authentication Mechanisms
        • InterSystems Authentication Components and Process
        • Connection Tools and Access Modes
        • InterSystems Services
        • Specifying Authentication Mechanisms
        • Two-Factor Authentication
        • Users
        • Predefined Users
        • Cascading Authentication
        • Kerberos Hallmark
        • Operating Arrangement Based Authentication
        • Instance Authentication
        • Example I: %Service_Console
        • Example One: %Service_Console (cont.)
        • Example One: %Service_Console (cont.)
        • Instance One: %Service_Console (cont.)
        • Instance Two: Spider web
        • Example Two: Web (cont.)
        • Delegated Hallmark
        • Delegated Authentication Setup
        • ZAuthenticate
        • LDAP Authentication
        • LDAP Authentication Configuration
        • Recap
      • Authorization

        • Overview
        • Avails and Resources
        • Privileges
        • Public Privileges
        • Privileges, Roles, and Users
        • Database Resources
        • Namespaces
        • Example Setup
        • Example Ane: %Developer and %Operator Roles
        • Example Ii: %Development Resource
        • Example 3: %DB_USER Resource
        • Example 4: $SYSTEM.Security.Check
        • Recap
      • Securing Applications

        • Overview
        • Three Types of Application Definitions
        • Properties of Awarding Definitions
        • Web Awarding Definitions
        • Instance Setup
        • Example Setup (cont.)
        • Instance Ane: Disabling an Application
        • Instance Two: Protecting an Awarding with a Resource
        • Example 3: Application Roles
        • Instance Iv: Matching and Target Roles
        • Privileged Routine Applications
        • Example Setup
        • Example Setup (cont.)
        • Case: Creating a Privileged Routine Application Definition
        • Case: Adding a Routine
        • Example: Adding Application Roles
        • Case: Executing the Privileged Routine Awarding
        • Java, .Cyberspace, and Other Applications
        • Recap
      • Connectedness Tools, Access Modes, Services
      • Code for Authorisation Example
      • Code for Hallmark Example
      • Code for Privileged Routine Example
      • Creating a User
      • Creating a Resources
      • Creating a Role
      • Adding a User to a Office
    • Security for Developers

      • Near...
      • SOAP Security

        • Introduction
        • Setup and Other Common Activities
        • Creating and Using Policies
        • WS-Policy Configuration Form Details
        • Adding Security Elements Manually
        • Adding Timestamps and Username Tokens
        • Encrypting the SOAP Body
        • Encrypting Security Header Elements
        • Adding Digital Signatures
        • Using Derived Key Tokens for Encryption and Signing
        • Combining Encryption and Signing
        • Validating and Decrypting Entering Letters
        • Creating Secure Conversations
        • Using WS-ReliableMessaging
        • Creating and Calculation SAML Tokens
        • Troubleshooting Security Bug
        • Details of the Security Elements
      • SQL Security
      • Command-Line Security Utilities
    • Authentication and Dominance

      • Virtually...
      • Get-go Looks

        • Role-Based Access Control
        • LDAP
      • Authentication Guide

        • Introduction
        • Kerberos Authentication
        • Operating System–Based Authentication
        • Instance Hallmark
        • Delegated Authentication
        • 2-Factor Authentication
        • Services
        • Advanced Topics
      • Authorization Guide

        • About InterSystems Authorization
        • Assets and Resource
        • Privileges and Permissions
        • Roles
        • User Accounts
        • Applications
        • Using Delegated Authority
      • LDAP Guide

        • LDAP and InterSystems IRIS®
        • LDAP Authentication
        • LDAP Authorization
        • Other LDAP Topics
      • OAuth ii.0 & OpenID Connect

        • Overview of OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect
        • How InterSystems IRIS Supports OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect
        • Using an InterSystems IRIS Web Application equally an OAuth 2.0 Client
        • Using an InterSystems IRIS Spider web Awarding as an OAuth two.0 Resource Server
        • Using InterSystems IRIS as an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server
        • Creating Configuration Items Programmatically
        • Implementing DirectLogin()
        • Certificates and JWTs (JSON Web Tokens)
    • Encryption

      • About...
      • First Looks

        • Database Encryption
        • Public Key Infrastructure
      • Public Key Infrastructure
      • Encryption Guide

        • About Managed Key Encryption
        • Key Direction Tasks
        • Using Encrypted Databases
        • Using Data-Element Encryption
        • Protecting Confronting Data Loss
        • Handling Emergency Situations
        • Boosted Encryption Data
        • FIPS 140–2 Compliance for Database Encryption
      • Cryptographic Standards
    • TLS Guide

      • About TLS
      • Near Configurations
      • Configuring the InterSystems IRIS Superserver to Use TLS
      • Configuring InterSystems IRIS Telnet to Use TLS
      • Configuring Java Clients to Utilise TLS with InterSystems IRIS
      • Configuring .NET Clients to Use TLS with InterSystems IRIS
      • Configuring Studio to Use TLS with InterSystems IRIS
      • Connecting from a Windows Client Using a Settings File
      • Configuring InterSystems IRIS to Employ TLS with Mirroring
      • Configuring InterSystems IRIS to Employ TLS with TCP Devices
      • Configuring the Web Gateway to Connect to InterSystems IRIS Using TLS
      • Establishing the Required Certificate Chain
    • Auditing Guide
  • Embedded Linguistic communication Development

    • About...
    • Data Model
    • Orientation Guide

      • Introduction to InterSystems IRIS Programming
      • A Closer Look at ObjectScript
      • Classes
      • Objects
      • Persistent Objects and InterSystems IRIS SQL
      • Namespaces and Databases
      • InterSystems IRIS Security
      • Localization Support
      • Server Configuration Options
      • What's That?
      • Rules and Guidelines for Identifiers
      • Full general System Limits
      • Numeric Computing in InterSystems Applications
    • Globals

      • Well-nigh...
      • First Wait
      • Multidimensional Information Access
      • Using Globals

        • Introduction
        • Global Structure
        • Using Multidimensional Storage (Globals)
        • SQL and Object Use of Multidimensional Storage
        • Managing Globals
        • Temporary Globals and the IRISTEMP Database
    • ObjectScript

      • Nigh...
      • First Wait
      • ObjectScript IDEs

        • Connecting an IDE
        • About Visual Studio Code
        • Using Studio

          • Introduction to Studio
          • Creating Class Definitions
          • Adding Backdrop to a Class
          • Adding Methods to a Class
          • Adding Form Parameters to a Class
          • Adding Relationships to a Course
          • Adding Queries to a Class
          • Adding Indices to a Class
          • Adding Projections to a Class
          • Calculation XData Blocks to a Class
          • Adding SQL Triggers and Foreign Keys to a Course
          • Calculation Storage Definitions to a Class
          • Working with CSP Files
          • Working with Routines and Include Files
          • Using the Studio Debugger
          • Using Studio Templates
          • Studio Menu Reference
          • Setting Studio Options
          • Frequently Asked Questions Most Studio
        • Source Control Integration
      • Using Concluding

        • Introduction to the Terminal
        • Using the Concluding Interactively
        • Controlling the Appearance and Behavior of the Terminal
        • Using Concluding Scripts
        • Script Command Reference
        • Connecting to Remote Hosts
        • Using the Terminal in Batch Style
        • Advanced Topics
      • Using ObjectScript

        • Introducing ObjectScript
        • Syntax Rules
        • Data Types and Values
        • Variables
        • Operators and Expressions
        • Regular Expressions
        • Commands
        • Callable User-divers Code Modules
        • ObjectScript Macros and the Macro Preprocessor
        • Embedded SQL
        • Multidimensional Arrays
        • String Operations
        • Lock Management
        • Transaction Processing
        • Error Processing
        • Command-line Routine Debugging
      • ObjectScript Reference

        • Symbols and Abbreviations
        • ObjectScript Commands
        • Routine and Debugging Commands
        • ObjectScript Functions
        • ObjectScript Special Variables
        • Structured System Variables
      • ObjectScript Tutorial

        • The Basics

          • Introduction
          • Course Methods
          • Final
          • VS Lawmaking - ObjectScript
          • Do Command
          • Class Methods and Routines
          • Method Details
          • Passing Arguments past Reference
          • Return and Quit Commands
          • Write Control
          • Read Command
          • Set Command
          • Operator Precedence
          • Syntax
          • Common Errors
          • Write (once more) and Kill Commands
          • If Construct
          • Simple Conditions
          • Complex Weather condition
          • Easily-On Exercise 1
          • Grade Compilation
          • Controlling Execution Period
          • $Case Office
          • For Construct
          • While and Do/While Constructs
          • Try/Grab Construct, and Throw Command
          • Multiple Purpose Characters
          • Hands-On Practice 2
          • Recap of Part one
        • The Expert Stuff

          • Strings
          • Storing a String
          • Concatenation Operator
          • Pattern Matching and Regular Expressions
          • Pattern Matching Examples
          • String Functions
          • String Functions, connected
          • Lists
          • Compare Pieces and Lists
          • Setting Substrings, Pieces, and List Items
          • More List Functions
          • Bitstrings
          • Dates
          • Hands-On Exercise 3
          • JavaScript Object Note (JSON)
          • Arrays
          • Ordered Trees
          • Ordered Copse, continued
          • Value and Existence, and the $Data Part
          • Viewing and Killing Arrays
          • Globals
          • $Increment and $Sequence Functions
          • Storage Method
          • Storage Method, connected
          • Example of Globals
          • Hands-On Exercise 4
          • Epitomize of Part ii
        • Using Globals

          • $Club Function
          • $Order Role, continued
          • Working With Indexes
          • $Gild Loop
          • Nested $Order Loops
          • Starting Focused $Order Loops
          • Ending Focused $Lodge Loops
          • Easily-On Do 5
          • Conversion Functions
          • $Get Function
          • Hands-On Practice 6
          • Database Integrity
          • Lock Command
          • Lock Command, continued
          • Lock Control and $Examination
          • Transaction Processing
          • Hands-On Practice 7
          • InterSystems IRIS Objects and SQL
          • Object Methods
          • Object Storage
          • SQL Queries
          • Epitomize Of Part 3
        • RightTriangle Example Class and Practise Solutions

          • Correct Triangle Case Course
          • Exercise ane: First Data Entry Grade
          • Do two: 2nd Information Entry Grade
          • Exercise 3: Tertiary Data Entry Grade
          • Exercise 4: Storage Method
          • Exercise five: First Lookup Class
          • Practice 6: Second Lookup Class
          • Exercise 7: Third Lookup Class
      • Try-Grab
    • Embedded Python

      • About...
      • Embedded Python Overview
      • Using Embedded Python
    • Class Programming

      • Defining & Using Classes

        • Bones Ideas in Class Programming
        • Defining and Compiling Classes
        • Package Options
        • Defining and Referring to Form Parameters
        • Defining and Calling Methods
        • Working with Registered Objects
        • Introduction to Persistent Objects
        • Working with Persistent Objects
        • Defining Persistent Classes
        • Defining and Using Literal Backdrop
        • Working with Collections
        • Working with Streams
        • Defining and Using Object-Valued Properties
        • Defining and Using Relationships
        • Other Options for Persistent Classes
        • Defining Method and Trigger Generators
        • Defining and Using Grade Queries
        • Defining and Using XData Blocks
        • Defining Class Projections
        • Defining Callback Methods
        • Using and Overriding Property Methods
        • Defining Information Type Classes
        • Implementing Dynamic Dispatch
        • Object-Specific ObjectScript Features
        • Using the Populate Utility
        • Using the %Lexicon Classes
        • Using the Object Synchronization Characteristic
      • Form Definition Reference

        • Course Definitions
        • Grade Keywords
        • Foreign Fundamental Keywords
        • Index Keywords
        • Method Keywords
        • Parameter Keywords
        • Projection Keywords
        • Holding Keywords
        • Query Keywords
        • Trigger Keywords
        • XData Keywords
        • Storage Keywords
      • Finding Class References
      • Object Information Access
      • %Condition Values
      • Classes Page
    • InterSystems API Manager (IAM)

      • About...
      • First Look
    • SQL

      • About...
      • Start Looks

        • InterSystems SQL
        • Optimizing SQL Performance
      • Using SQL

        • Introduction to InterSystems SQL
        • InterSystems SQL Basics
        • Language Elements
        • Identifiers
        • Defining Tables
        • Defining and Using Views
        • Relationships Betwixt Tables
        • Modifying the Database
        • Querying the Database
        • Collation
        • Implicit Joins (Arrow Syntax)
        • Using Embedded SQL
        • Using Dynamic SQL
        • Using the SQL Beat out Interface
        • Using the Management Portal SQL Interface
        • Importing SQL Code
        • Using Triggers
        • Defining and Using Stored Procedures
        • Storing and Using Stream Data (BLOBs and CLOBs)
        • Users, Roles, and Privileges
        • Importing and Exporting SQL Data
      • Optimizing SQL

        • Introduction to SQL Performance Optimization
        • Defining and Building Indices
        • Optimizing Tables
        • Cached Queries
        • Optimizing Query Performance
        • SQL Performance Assay Toolkit
        • Interpreting an SQL Query Program
        • SQL Statements
        • Frozen Plans
      • InterSystems SQL Reference

        • Symbols and Syntax Conventions
        • SQL Commands
        • SQL Commands for IntegratedML
        • SQL Predicate Conditions
        • SQL Aggregate Functions
        • SQL Window Functions
        • SQL Functions
        • SQL Unary Operators
        • SQL Reference Cloth
      • Using the InterSystems SQL Gateway

        • SQL Gateway Overview
        • Accessing a Database with the SQL Gateway
        • Connecting the SQL Gateway via JDBC
        • Connecting the SQL Gateway via ODBC
        • Using the SQL Gateway Programmatically
    • Document Database

      • Introducing InterSystems IRIS Certificate Database (DocDB)
      • Managing Documents
      • Remainder Client Methods
    • XML

      • About...
      • XML Tools

        • Introduction to InterSystems XML Tools
        • Writing XML Output from Objects
        • Importing XML into Objects
        • Representing an XML Document as a DOM
        • Encrypting XML Documents
        • Signing XML Documents
        • Using %XML.TextReader
        • Evaluating XPath Expressions
        • Performing XSLT Transformations
        • Customizing How the InterSystems SAX Parser Is Used
        • Generating Classes from XML Schemas
        • Generating XML Schemas from Classes
        • Examining Namespaces and Classes
        • XML Background
      • XML Projections

        • Introduction to Object-XML Projections
        • Projecting Objects to XML
        • Controlling Transformations of Values
        • Handling Empty Strings and Nix Values
        • Controlling the XML Element and Attribute Names
        • Specifying Namespaces for Elements and Attributes
        • Controlling the Projection to XML Schemas
        • Avant-garde Options for XML Schemas
        • Special Topics
        • Summary of XML Project Parameters
    • Spider web Services

      • About...
      • Web Gateway Configuration Guide

        • Installing the Web Gateway
        • Spider web Awarding Compages
        • Web Servers for Microsoft Windows
        • Web Servers for UNIX, Linux, and macOS
        • Spider web Gateway Operation and Configuration
        • Alternative Configurations for Microsoft Windows
        • Alternative Configurations for UNIX, Linux, and macOS
        • Apache Considerations UNIX, Linux, and macOS
        • Edifice Apache for IBM AIX®
        • IIS Technical Notes
        • Using Spider web Applications with a Remote Web Server
      • Soap

        • Near...
        • Creating SOAP Spider web Services and Clients

          • Introduction to Web Services and Spider web Clients in InterSystems IRIS
          • Creating SOAP Web Services
          • SOAP Message Variations
          • Creating Spider web Clients
          • Soap Error Treatment
          • Using MTOM for Attachments
          • Using SOAP with Attachments
          • Adding and Using Custom Header Elements
          • Adding and Using WS-Addressing Header Elements
          • SOAP Session Management
          • Using the InterSystems IRIS Binary Lather Format
          • Using Datasets in SOAP Messages
          • Fine-Tuning a Spider web Service in InterSystems IRIS
          • Fine-Tuning a Web Customer in InterSystems IRIS
          • Troubleshooting SOAP Problems in InterSystems IRIS
          • Summary of Web Service URLs
          • Details of the Generated WSDLs
          • Details of the Generated Classes
      • Residue and JSON

        • About...
        • Start Look
        • Balance Services

          • Introduction to Creating Residuum Services
          • Using the /api/mgmnt Service
          • Using the ^%Balance Routine to Create REST Services
          • Using the %REST.API Class to Create Residuum Services
          • Modifying the Implementation Class
          • Modifying the Specification Class
          • Supporting CORS in REST Services
          • Using Web Sessions with Balance
          • Securing Residuum Services
          • Discovering and Documenting REST APIs
          • Reference for the /api/mgmnt API
          • OpenAPI Properties in Employ
          • Creating a Residual Service Manually
        • Rest API for Source Code

          • Introduction to the InterSystems IRIS Source Lawmaking File REST API
          • Source Code File REST API Tutorial
          • Source Code File Balance API Reference
        • Using JSON

          • Introduction
          • Creating and Modifying Dynamic Entities
          • Iteration and Sparse Arrays
          • Working with Datatypes
          • Using the JSON Adaptor
          • Quick Reference for Dynamic Entity Methods
      • Internet Utilities

        • Introduction
        • Sending HTTP Requests
        • Sending and Receiving E-mail
        • Creating, Writing, and Reading MIME Messages
        • Using FTP
        • Sending and Receiving IBM WebSphere MQ Messages
        • Using SSH
        • Other InterSystems %Net Tools
    • I/O Device Guide

      • Nigh I/O Devices
      • I/O Devices and Commands
      • Terminal I/O
      • Local Interprocess Communication
      • TCP Client/Server Communication
      • UDP Client/Server Advice
      • Sequential File I/O
      • Spool Device
      • Printers
    • Avant-garde Concepts

      • Locking & Concurrency
      • $.25 & Bitstrings
      • Structured Logging
      • Semaphores
      • Cord Localization
      • Process Memory
      • Piece of work Queue Managing director
      • Secure Logins
      • Using %Library.File
      • %UnitTest Tutorial

        • Unit Testing Overview

          • What is a Unit Test?
          • Why Unit Test?
          • xUnit Testing Frameworks
          • Structure of %UnitTest and xUnit Frameworks
          • Test Automation
          • Test Commencement Methodology
          • Red – Green – Refactor
          • Recap
        • Unit Testing with %UnitTest

          • What is %UnitTest?
          • Creating and Executing a Suite of Unit of measurement Tests
          • %UnitTest Classes
          • Affirm Methods and Macros
          • Creating Classes to Utilize in the Examples
          • Example: Creating and Exporting a Test Form
          • Instance: Executing a Test
          • Instance: UnitTest Portal
          • Case: Viewing the Study in the Unit of measurement Exam Portal
          • Setup and Tear Downwardly
          • Example: Calculation Setup and Tear Down Methods to a Examination
          • Example: Executing a Test Using Setup and Tear Downwards Methods
          • Options for Executing Tests: Test Specs and Qualifiers
          • RunTest Examples
          • DebugRunTestCase
          • Exercises
          • Recap
    • API Alphabetize

      • Tools Index
    • Glossary

      • Complete Glossary of Terms
  • External Language Development

    • About...
    • Native APIs
    • Using InterSystems External Servers

      • Introduction to InterSystems External Servers
      • Working with External Languages
      • Managing External Server Connections
      • Customizing External Server Definitions
      • InterSystems External Server Requirements
      • Quick Reference for the ObjectScript $system.external Interface
    • Java

      • About...
      • First Looks

        • Native API for Java
        • Java Object Persistence with XEP
        • JDBC and InterSystems Databases
      • Using Java with InterSystems Software

        • Document Overview
        • InterSystems Java Connectivity Options
        • Using the JDBC Commuter
        • Configuration and Requirements
        • JDBC for Occasional Users
        • JDBC Quick Reference
      • Using the Native SDK for Coffee

        • Document Overview
        • Introduction to the Java Native SDK
        • Calling ObjectScript Methods and Functions
        • Using Java Inverse Proxy Objects
        • Working with Global Arrays
        • Transactions and Locking
        • Java Native SDK Quick Reference
      • Persisting Java Objects with InterSystems XEP

        • Document Overview
        • Introduction
        • Using XEP Event Persistence
        • XEP Quick Reference
      • InterSystems Implementation Reference for Third Party Software

        • Introduction
        • JDBC Driver Support
        • Apache Spark Support
        • Hibernate Support
      • JDBC
    • .Net

      • Well-nigh...
      • First Looks

        • Native API for .Cyberspace
        • ADO.NET and InterSystems Products
        • .NET Object Persistence with XEP
        • ODBC and InterSystems IRIS
      • Using .NET with InterSystems Software

        • Certificate Overview
        • Connecting to the InterSystems Database
        • Configuration and Requirements
        • ADO.Cyberspace Managed Provider for Occasional Users
        • Using the Entity Framework Provider
        • Quick Reference for the .NET Managed Provider
      • Using the Native SDK for .NET

        • Certificate Overview
        • Introduction to the .Net Native SDK
        • Calling ObjectScript Methods and Functions from .Net
        • Using .NET Inverse Proxy Objects
        • Working with Global Arrays
        • Transactions and Locking
        • Native SDK for .Cyberspace Quick Reference
      • Persisting .NET Objects with InterSystems XEP

        • Document Overview
        • Introduction
        • Using XEP Event Persistence
        • XEP Quick Reference
      • ODBC

        • Nearly...
        • Using the InterSystems ODBC Driver

          • Overview
          • Defining an ODBC Data Source on Windows
          • Defining an ODBC Data Source on UNIX®
          • ODBC Installation and Validation on UNIX® Systems
          • ODBC Support for Python and Node.js
          • Logging and Surround Variables
    • Python

      • About...
      • First Expect
      • Using the Native SDK for Python

        • Introduction to the Native SDK
        • Working with Global Arrays
        • Calling ObjectScript Methods and Functions
        • Native SDK Quick Reference for Python
    • Node.js

      • Virtually...
      • Offset Look
      • Using the Native SDK for Node.js

        • Introduction to the Native SDK
        • Working with Global Arrays
        • Calling ObjectScript Methods and Functions
        • Native SDK Quick Reference for Node.js
    • Callin

      • The Callin Interface
      • Using the Callin Functions
      • Callin Function Reference
    • Callout

      • Introduction
      • Running Programs or System Commands with $ZF(-100)
      • Creating an InterSystems Callout Library
      • Invoking Callout Library Functions
      • InterSystems Callout Quick Reference
  • Interoperability

    • About...
    • First Expect
    • Introducing Interoperability Productions

      • Introduction to Interoperability Productions
      • Connectivity Options
      • Business Processes and Business organisation Logic
      • Other Production Options
    • Preparing to Create Productions

      • Route Map to Using InterSystems IRIS Productions
      • Planning an InterSystems IRIS Server Deployment
    • Best Practices

      • Best Practices for Product Evolution
      • Design Model for a Routing Product
      • Converting Interfaces to Product Elements
    • Developing Productions

      • Almost...
      • Developing Productions Using ObjectScript

        • Introduction
        • Programming Business Services, Processes and Operations
        • Defining Letters
        • Defining Business concern Services
        • Defining Business Processes
        • Defining Business concern Operations
        • Defining an Alert Processor
        • Defining Information Transformations
        • Defining Business Metrics
        • Defining an Enterprise Message Bank
        • Using the Record Mapper
        • Using the Complex Record Mapper
        • Treatment Batches of Records Efficiently
        • Less Common Tasks
        • Testing and Debugging
        • Deploying a Production
        • Life Cycle of a Production and Its Parts
      • Developing Productions With External Languages

        • Introduction
        • Getting Started
        • About Business Hosts and Adapters
        • Messaging
        • Inbound Adapters
        • Outbound Adapters
        • Concern Services
        • Business Processes
        • Business organisation Operations
        • Running the External Server
        • PEX API Reference
      • BPL and DTL

        • First Expect
        • Developing BPL Processes

          • About BPL Processes
          • Using the Business organisation Procedure Designer
          • Syntax Rules
          • List of BPL Elements
          • Treatment Errors in BPL
        • Developing DTL Transformations

          • Introduction to DTL Tools
          • Creating Information Transformations
          • Syntax Rules
          • Adding Assign Actions
          • Adding Other Actions
          • Testing Data Transformations
        • BPL and DTL Reference

          • BPL Elements
          • DTL Elements
      • Using a Production as an ESB

        • Enterprise Service Double-decker and Registry Overview
        • Intended Audiences
        • Accessing the Public Service Registry through the Public REST API
        • Administering the Public Service and External Service Registries
        • Configuring an ESB
        • Configuring ESB Services and Operations
        • Configuring an InterSystems IRIS System and Creating a Namespace
        • Configuring a Web Application for a Pass-through Business concern Service
        • Pass-through Service and Performance Walkthrough
        • Service Registry Public API Reference
    • Configuring, Managing, and Monitoring Productions

      • About...
      • Configuring Productions

        • Introduction to Configuration Tasks
        • Creating a Production
        • Calculation Business Hosts
        • Configuring Settings
        • Configuring Alerts
        • Defining Reusable Items for Use in Settings
        • Defining Other Options for Productions
        • Configuring the Enterprise Message Bank
        • Identifying Enterprise Systems for Viewing and Monitoring
        • Creating Dashboards
        • Settings in All Productions
      • Managing Productions

        • Introduction to Managing Productions
        • Starting and Stopping Productions
        • Purging Production Information
        • Using the Archive Manager
        • Managing Workflow Roles, Users, and Tasks
        • Defining Publish and Subscribe Message Routing
        • Controlling Information Storage for Productions
        • Decision-making Access to Management Portal Functions
        • Finding Information on Carte Items
      • Monitoring Productions

        • Core Concepts
        • Monitoring All Namespaces
        • Monitoring a Production
        • Viewing, Searching, and Managing Messages
        • Viewing the Event Log
        • Enabling Tracing
        • Viewing the Business Rule Log
        • Viewing Business Process Instances
        • Viewing the I/O Archive for a Production
        • Viewing Letters from Multiple Productions
        • Using the Enterprise Message Viewer
        • Using the Enterprise Message Bank
        • Viewing Interface Maps
        • Finding Interface References
        • Monitoring Alerts
        • Monitoring Activity Volume
        • Managing Port Usage
      • Push button Notifications

        • Push Notifications Overview
        • Configuring and Using Push Notifications
      • Defining Workflows

        • Overview of Workflow within Productions
        • Developing a Workflow
        • Including Custom Features in a Workflow
        • Testing a Workflow
        • Exploring the Workflow Sample
        • Available Workflow Metrics
      • Testing Productions

        • Testing Productions Tutorial
        • Testing Productions

          • TestControl
          • Callback Methods
          • Auxiliary Methods
          • Parameters and Backdrop
          • Creating a Test - Summary
          • Executing a Exam
          • Example Overview
          • Instance: Example Production
          • Example: Production Test
          • Instance: OnAfterProductionStart
          • Case: CheckResults
          • Example: CheckErrors
          • Example: Executing the Examination
          • Recap
        • Creating Tutorial.ExampleOperation
    • Connecting Systems

      • About...
      • Supported Formats
      • Cloud Storage Providers

        • Introduction to Deject Storage Providers
        • Inbound Adapter for Cloud Storage
        • Outbound Adapter for Deject Storage
        • More than About Cloud Storage Adapters
        • Deject Storage APIs
      • CloudWatch Adapter
      • Email Adapters

        • Introduction
        • Using the Email Inbound Adapter
        • Using the Email Outbound Adapter
        • Reference for Settings
      • File Adapters

        • Introduction
        • Using the File Inbound Adapter
        • Using the File Outbound Adapter
        • Using the File Passthrough Service and Operation Classes
        • Reference for Settings
      • FTP Adapters

        • Introduction
        • Using the FTP Entering Adapter
        • Using the FTP Outbound Adapter
        • Reference for Settings
      • HTTP Adapters

        • About the HTTP Adapters
        • Using the HTTP Inbound Adapter
        • Using the HTTP Outbound Adapter
        • Reference for Settings
      • Java Messaging Service (JMS)

        • JMS Overview
        • Configuring and Using JMS Business Services and Operations
        • Creating Custom JMS Services and Operations Using the Adapter
      • IBM WebSphere MQ Adapters

        • About the IBM WebSphere MQ Adapters
        • Using the IBM WebSphere MQ Inbound Adapter
        • Using the IBM WebSphere MQ Outbound Adapter
        • Troubleshooting
        • Reference for Settings
      • MQTT Adapters

        • Introduction to Message Queuing Telemetry Ship (MQTT)
        • Using the MQTT Adapters
        • Configuring and Using the MQTT Passthrough Business Service and Operation
        • Reference for Settings
      • REST Services and Adapters

        • Overview of Using REST in Productions
        • Creating REST Services in Productions
        • Creating Balance Operations in Productions
      • SOAP Services and Web Clients

        • Almost SOAP and Web Services
        • Creating a Spider web Service in a Production
        • Creating a Web Client in a Production
        • Configuring a Production for SOAP Services
        • Using the Lather Inbound Adapter
        • Older Web Service Variation
        • Reference for Settings
      • SAP Java Connector

        • Overview
        • Setup Tasks
        • Using the SAP Java Connector
      • SNS Messaging

        • Amazon SNS
      • SQL Adapters

        • Introduction
        • Using an SQL Business concern Service
        • Using an SQL Business Operation
        • More About Messages
        • More About Procedures
        • Custom Business Services
        • Custom Business Operations
        • Creating Adapter Methods for SQL
        • Using Consequence Sets
        • Using Snapshots
      • TCP Adapters

        • Introduction
        • Using the Inbound TCP Adapters
        • Using the Outbound TCP Adapters
        • Special Topics
        • Reference for Settings
      • Managed File Transfer

        • Outset Expect
        • MFT Services

          • Introduction
          • Prerequisites and Configuration
          • Enabling a Production to Use MFT Services
          • Using the MFT API for InterSystems IRIS
    • Routing EDIFACT, X12, and XML Documents

      • About...
      • Using Virtual Documents in Productions

        • Virtual Documents
        • Schema Definitions
        • Virtual Property Paths
        • Using Virtual Documents in a Production
        • Defining Search Tables
        • Decision-making Message Validation
        • Creating Custom Schema Categories
        • Portal Tools
        • Syntax Guide for Virtual Property Paths
        • Mutual Settings
      • EDIFACT

        • Introduction
        • Available Tools
        • Configuring the Production
        • Additional Steps
        • Reference for Settings
      • X12

        • Introduction
        • X12 Schemas and Available Tools
        • Configuring the Product
        • Creating an X12 Data Transformation
        • Handling X12 Interchanges
        • Reference for Settings
      • XML

        • Introduction
        • Available Tools
        • Configuration Steps
        • Overview of Property Paths in XML Virtual Documents
        • Specifying Schema-dependent Paths for XML Virtual Documents
        • Specifying DOM-style Paths for XML Virtual Documents
        • Defining Information Transformations for XML Virtual Documents
        • Defining Rule Sets for XML Virtual Documents
        • Defining Search Tables for XML Virtual Documents
        • XML-Enabled Objects Compared to XML Virtual Documents
        • Reference for Settings
    • Developing Business Rules

      • Almost Business Rules
      • Introduction to the Rule Editor
      • Creating and Editing Dominion Sets
      • Debugging Routing Rules
      • Utility Functions for Use in Productions
  • Analytics and Data Scientific discipline

    • Near...
    • InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics
    • Business Intelligence

      • About...
      • BI Introduction

        • Introduction to Business Intelligence
        • Introduction to the Business Intelligence User Interfaces
        • Introduction to the Other Business organisation Intelligence Tools
        • Business Intelligence Glossary
      • BI Modeling

        • Introduction
        • Bones Concepts
        • Summary of Model Options
        • Principles and Recommendations
        • Defining Models for InterSystems Concern Intelligence
        • Compiling and Building Cubes
        • Defining Dimensions, Hierarchies, and Levels
        • Details of Defining Levels
        • Defining Properties
        • Defining Measures
        • Defining Listings
        • Defining Listing Fields
        • Defining Calculated Members
        • Defining a Named Set
        • Defining Subject Areas
        • Defining Listing Groups
        • Reference Information for Cube Classes
        • Reference Data for Field of study Classes
        • Details for the Fact and Dimension Tables
      • BI Avant-garde Modeling

        • Defining Computed Dimensions
        • Defining Shared Dimensions and Compound Cubes
        • Defining Cube-Cube Relationships
        • Using Text Analytics in Cubes
        • Defining Term Lists
        • Defining Worksheets
        • Defining Quality Measures
        • Defining Basic KPIs
        • Defining KPIs with Filters and Listings
        • Defining Advanced KPIs
        • Defining Plug-ins
        • Using Cube Inheritance
        • Defining Intermediate Expressions
        • Other Options
        • Reference Information for KPI and Plug-in Classes
        • Generating Secondary Cubes for Apply with Text Analytics
      • Using Dashboards and the User Portal

        • Introduction to the User Portal
        • Using the Portal Features
        • Orientation to Dashboards
        • Using Dashboards
        • Using the Pivot Analysis Window
      • BI Dashboards

        • Introduction to Dashboards
        • Creating and Modifying Dashboards
        • Specifying Common Widget Options
        • Calculation Pivot Table Widgets
        • Calculation Nautical chart Widgets
        • Customizing the Appearance of a Chart Widget
        • Adding Meter Widgets
        • Adding Scorecard Widgets
        • Adding Other Widgets
        • Defining and Using Themes
        • Adding Widget Controls
      • Implementing InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence

        • Overview
        • Performing the Initial Setup
        • Configuring Settings
        • Defining Data Connectors
        • Performance Tips
        • Defining Custom Actions
        • Accessing Dashboards from Your Application
        • Keeping the Cubes Current
        • Executing Business Intelligence Queries Programmatically
        • Performing Localization
        • Packaging Business Intelligence Elements into Classes
        • Creating Portlets for Use in Dashboards
        • Other Evolution Work
        • Setting Up Security
        • Using Cube Versions
        • How the Analytics Engine Works
        • Using the MDX Functioning Utility
        • Diagnostics for InterSystems Business Intelligence
        • Other Export/Import Options
        • Business Intelligence and Disaster Recovery
      • BI Analyzer

        • Introduction to the Analyzer
        • Creating Pivot Tables
        • Filtering Pivot Tables
        • Defining Calculated Elements
        • Defining and Using Pivot Variables
        • Customizing Pin Tables
        • Working with Pivot Tables
        • Performing Advertizement Hoc Analysis
        • Configuring InterSystems IRIS for PDF Output
      • Using MDX

        • Background
        • Introduction to MDX Queries
        • Working with Levels
        • Working with Dimensions and Hierarchies
        • Working with Sets
        • Tuples and Cubes
        • Filtering a Query
        • Calculation Summaries
        • Creating Calculated Measures and Members
      • MDX Reference

        • Basic Rules
        • Expression Types
        • MDX Statements and Clauses
        • MDX Functions
        • Intrinsic Properties
        • At present Member for Fourth dimension Levels
        • Quick Function Reference
      • Power BI
      • BI Clients

        • Introduction
        • DeepSee.js
        • Business Intelligence Remainder API
      • BI Tutorial

        • Getting Started
        • Introduction to Cube Elements
        • Creating a Cube
        • Expanding the Cube Definition
        • Creating Field of study Areas
        • Creating and Packaging Pin Tables and Dashboards
    • Apache Spark

      • About...
      • Using the InterSystems Spark Connector

        • Document Overview
        • Introduction
        • Spark Connector Data Source Options
        • Using Spark Connector Extension Methods
        • Spark Connector Best Practices
        • Spark Connector Internals
        • Spark Connector Quick Reference
    • Machine Learning

      • About...
      • Using IntegratedML

        • Introduction to ML
        • IntegratedML Basics
        • Providers
        • ML Configurations
        • Model Maintenance
        • About AutoML
        • SQL Commands
        • SQL Functions
    • Text Analytics (Natural Language Processing)

      • Near...
      • Text Analytics with InterSystems Products
      • Using NLP

        • Conceptual Overview
        • NLP Implementation
        • Domain Architect
        • Residuum Interface
        • Alternatives for Creating an NLP Environment
        • Loading Text Data Programmatically
        • Operation Considerations when Loading Texts
        • NLP Queries
        • Semantic Attributes
        • Stemming
        • Skiplists
        • Filtering Sources
        • Text Categorization
        • Dominance and Proximity
        • Custom Metrics
        • Smart Matching: Creating a Dictionary
        • Smart Matching: Using a Dictionary
        • User Interfaces
        • IRIS Natural Language Processing (NLP) Tools
        • iKnow Spider web Services
        • KPIs and Dashboards
        • Customizing NLP
        • Linguistic communication Identification
        • Domain Parameters
    • SQL Search

      • About...
      • Outset Wait
      • Using SQL Text Search

        • InterSystems SQL Search Tool
        • SQL Search REST Interface
    • Unstructured Data Management Architecture

      • Virtually...
      • InterSystems IRIS and UIMA
      • Using UIMA

        • Overview
    • Predictive Modeling Markup Language
    • InterSystems Reports

      • Introduction
      • InterSystems Reports Designer
      • InterSystems Reports Server with InterSystems IRIS

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  • SQLCODE 0 and 100
  • SQLCODE -400
  • Retrieving SQL Message Texts
  • Table of SQL Fault Codes and Messages

SQL Mistake Letters

The table below lists the SQL numeric fault codes and their error letters for InterSystems IRIS® data platform. These codes are returned every bit the SQLCODE variable value.


While this certificate lists error codes equally negative values, JDBC and ODBC clients always receive positive values. For example, if an ODBC or JDBC application returns error lawmaking 30, wait up mistake code -30 in this table.

SQLCODE 0 and 100

There are 2 SQLCODE values that do not represent an SQL error:

SQL Error Codes 0 and 100

Mistake Code Clarification
0 Successful Completion
100 No (more) data
  • SQLCODE=0 indicates successful completion of an SQL operation. For a SELECT statement, this usually ways the successful retrieval of data from a table. However, if the SELECT performs an amass functioning, (for instance: SELECT SUM(myfield)) the aggregate performance is successful and an SQLCODE=0 is issued even when there is no data in myfield; in this case SUM returns NULL and %ROWCOUNT=ane.

  • SQLCODE=100 indicates that the SQL performance was successful, but establish no data to deed upon. This can occur for a number of reasons. For a SELECT these include: the specified table contains no data; the table contains no information that satisfies the query criteria; or row retrieval has reached the terminal row of the table. For an UPDATE or DELETE these include: the specified table contains no data; or the tabular array contains no row of data that satisfies the WHERE clause criteria. In these cases %ROWCOUNT=0.

    In Embedded SQL, when SQLCODE=100 the output host variables specified in the INTO clause are nulled.


The SQLCODE -400 error "Fatal error occurred" is a general error. It is generated when a more specific SQLCODE mistake code is not available.

Retrieving SQL Message Texts

To decide the meaning of an SQLCODE numeric lawmaking, use the following ObjectScript statement:

                                          WRITE                                          "SQLCODE="              ,              $SYSTEM              .              SQL              .              Functions              .              SQLCODE              (              -              nnn              )            

This SQLCODE() method can as well be called as a stored procedure: %SYSTEM_SQL.Functions_SQLCODE(-nnn).

When possible (unremarkably at SQL compile time), fault messages include the name of the field, tabular array, view, or other element that caused the fault. Placeholders for these names are shown using the <name> syntax convention.

The %msg variable may contain an additional message error text for sure errors. For further details, refer to System Variables in the "Using Embedded SQL" chapter of Using InterSystems SQL.

The message texts returned are shown below in their English versions. The bodily message text returned depends upon your locale setting.

For information on generating ObjectScript general errors from SQLCODE errors, refer to the %SYSTEM.Mistake class in the InterSystems Form Reference.

Tabular array of SQL Mistake Codes and Messages

For ease of utilize, the SQL Error Codes Table has been divided into the following sub-tables:

  • Fault Codes 0 and 100

  • Error Codes -ane to -99

  • Error Codes -101 to -399

  • Error Codes -400 to -500

  • WinSock Error Codes -10050 to -11002

SQL Error Codes -1 to -99

Error Code Clarification
-1 Invalid SQL statement
-2 Exponent digits missing subsequently 'Eastward'
-iii Closing quote (") missing
-4 A term expected, offset with one of the following: identifier, constant, amass, %ALPHAUP, %EXACT, %MVR, %SQLSTRING, %SQLUPPER, %Cord, %UPPER, $$, :, +, -, (, NOT, EXISTS, or FOR
-5 Column number specified in ORDER does not lucifer SELECT list
-six Guild Past column after Matrimony not found every bit SELECT cavalcade
-7 Exponent out of range
-viii Invalid DATEPART lawmaking for DATEPART(), DATENAME(), DATEADD(), or DATEDIFF()
-9 Incompatible SELECT lists used in Wedlock
-10 The SELECT list of the subquery must have exactly one particular
-eleven A scalar expression expected, not a status
-12 A term expected, start with ane of the post-obit: identifier, constant, amass, $$, :, (, +, -, %ALPHAUP, %EXACT, %MVR, %SQLSTRING, %SQLUPPER, %Cord, or %UPPER
-13 An expression other than a subquery expected here
-fourteen A comparison operator is required here
-15 A condition expected afterwards Not
-xvi Quantifier SOME expected after the FOR in the for-expression
-17 A for-condition expected after the ( in the for-expression
-18 IS (or IS Not) Goose egg predicate can be applied only to a field
-nineteen An aggregate function cannot be used in a WHERE or GROUP Past clause
-20 Name disharmonize in the FROM list over label
-21 Pointer->Field reference may not exist modified by an INSERT or UPDATE argument
-22 ORDER must specify column names, not numbers, when later on 'SELECT *'
-23 Label is not listed amid the applicable tables
-24 Ambiguous sort column
-25 Input encountered afterward end of query
-26 Missing FROM clause
-27 Field is cryptic amidst the applicable tables
-28 Host variable name must begin with either % or a letter
-29 Field not found in the applicable tables
-xxx Table or view not institute
-31 Field not (establish/unique) in table(s)
-32 Outer-join symbol ( =* or *= ) must be between two fields
-33 No field(southward) found for table
-34 Optimizer failed to observe a usable join society
-35 INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE not allowed for not-updateable view
-36 WITH Bank check OPTION (CHECKOPTION class parameter) not allowed for not-updateable views
-37 SQL Scalar/Aggregate/Unary function non supported for Stream fields
-38 No chief map for table
-39 No RowID field for table
-xl ODBC escape extension not supported
-41 An extrinsic role telephone call must have the course '$$tag^routine(...)'
-42 Endmost quotes ("") missing following pattern match
-43 Table is ambiguous within #IMPORT schema name listing
-44 Indistinguishable method or query characteristic
-45 Duplicate method in ObjectScript query trunk
-46 Required method missing in ObjectScript query torso
-47 Invalid method or query characteristic
-48 Invalid trigger REFERENCING clause for the trigger's event
-49 Trigger REFERENCING clause cannot exist specified when trigger language not SQL
-l Trigger specifies UPDATE OF <fieldlist> clause when trigger linguistic communication not SQL
-51 SQL statement expected
-52 Cursor (Already/Was Not) DECLAREd
-53 Constant or variable expected every bit new value
-54 Array designator (last subscript omitted) expected later VALUES
-55 Invalid GRANT <role> TO or REVOKE <role> FROM
-56 GRANT/REVOKE Action not applicable to an object of this blazon
-57 Trigger specifies WHEN clause when trigger language non SQL
-58 Duplicate field plant in trigger UPDATE OF <fieldlist> clause
-59 Cannot have more than one field
-60 An activeness (%ALTER, SELECT, UPDATE, etc.) expected
-61 Cursor not updateable
-62 Additional new values expected for INSERT/UPDATE
-63 Data exception - invalid escape character
-64 Incompatible SELECT list is used in INSERT
-65 Positive integer abiding or variable expected
-66 Redundant fields found in SELECT list
-67 Implicit bring together (arrow syntax) not supported in ON clause
-68 Legacy outer bring together (=*, *=) non supported in ON clause
-69 SET <field> = <value expression> not allowed with WHERE Current OF <cursor>
-70 Multi-Line field simply valid for LIKE, Contains ([), or Zippo Comparison.
-71 Multi-Line field must be the left operand of the Comparing.
-72 Multi-Line field not valid in Order By clause
-73 Aggregates not supported in ORDER BY clause
-74 Indistinguishable <select-list> allonym names found
-75 <trim_spec> and/or <trim_char> required before FROM in TRIM office.
-76 Cardinality mismatch between the SELECT-listing and INTO-list.
-77 Qualified cavalcade reference not allowed in this Bring together context.
-78 Invalid transaction land.
-79 Referencing key and referenced key must exist the same size
-80 Integer expected
-81 Column Constraint expected
-82 Multiple table %DESCRIPTION definitions found
-83 Multiple table %FILE definitions found
-84 Multiple table %NUMROWS definitions establish
-85 Multiple tabular array %ROUTINE definitions establish
-86 Invalid field definition, no datatype defined
-87 Invalid tabular array name
-88 Invalid field proper name
-89 Invalid index proper noun
-90 Invalid view name
-91 Transaction manner cannot be specified more than than in one case
-92 Level of isolation cannot be READ UNCOMMITTED or READ VERIFIED if READ WRITE specified
-93 number of conditions for the DIAGNOSTICS SIZE must be exact numeric
-94 Unsupported usage of OUTER Bring together
-95 Operation disallowed past operation tabular array
-96 Specified level of isolation is not supported
-97 Duplicate select-list names found.
-98 License violation
-99 Privilege violation

SQL Mistake Codes -101 to -399

Error Code Description
-101 Attempt to open up a cursor that is already open
-102 Operation (FETCH/Shut/UPDATE/DELETE/...) attempted on an unopened cursor
-103 Positioned UPDATE or DELETE attempted, but the cursor is not positioned on whatever row
-104 Field validation failed in INSERT, or value failed to catechumen in DisplayToLogical or OdbcToLogical
-105 Field validation failed in UPDATE
-106 Row to DELETE non found
-107 Cannot UPDATE RowID or RowID based on fields
-108 Required field missing; INSERT or UPDATE not allowed
-109 Cannot find the row designated for UPDATE
-110 Locking conflict in filing
-111 Cannot INSERT into a 'Default Only' RowID or RowID based on field
-112 Access violation
-113 %THRESHOLD violation
-114 Ane or more than matching rows is locked by another user
-115 Cannot INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE on a read only table
-116 Cardinality mismatch on INSERT/UPDATE between values list and number of table columns.
-117 Aggregates not supported in views
-118 Unknown or non-unique User or Office
-119 UNIQUE or Primary KEY constraint failed uniqueness check upon INSERT
-120 UNIQUE or PRIMARY Central constraint failed uniqueness bank check upon UPDATE
-121 Strange Central constraint failed referential check upon INSERT of row in referencing tabular array
-122 FOREIGN Cardinal constraint failed referential check upon UPDATE of row in referencing tabular array
-123 Strange KEY constraint failed referential check upon UPDATE of row in referenced table
-124 Strange Central constraint failed referential cheque upon DELETE of row in referenced table
-125 UNIQUE or PRIMARY Cardinal Constraint failed uniqueness check upon cosmos of the constraint
-126 REVOKE with RESTRICT failed.
-127 FOREIGN KEY Constraint failed referential bank check upon cosmos of the constraint
-128 Argument to scalar function %OBJECT() must be a stream field
-129 Illegal value for SET Pick locale property
-130 Before Insert trigger failed
-131 After Insert trigger failed
-132 Before Update trigger failed
-133 Later Update trigger failed
-134 Before Delete trigger failed
-135 Later on Delete trigger failed
-136 View's WITH CHECK Pick validation failed in INSERT
-137 View'south WITH CHECK Option validation failed in UPDATE
-138 Cannot INSERT/UPDATE a value for a read simply field
-139 Concurrency failure on update: row versions non the same
-140 Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function
-141 Invalid input value passed to the Convert function
-142 Cardinality mismatch betwixt the view-column-list and view query'due south SELECT clause
-143 ORDER BY not valid in a view'southward query
-144 A subquery is non allowed in an insert argument's set/values clause
-145 SQLPREVENTFULLSCAN class parameter is 1 for this table. Query that performs full scan of data map is not allowed
-146 Unable to convert date input to a valid logical engagement value
-147 Unable to catechumen time input to a valid logical time value
-148 CREATE VIEW, ALTER VIEW, or a view's query may not comprise host variable references
-149 SQL Office encountered an error
-150 Optimistic concurrency locking for a class definition failed
-151 Alphabetize is not constitute inside tables used by this statement
-152 Index is ambiguous within tables used by this statement
-153 SQL compile options comment contains invalid JSON string
-154 Cannot UPDATE fields that are role of the shard key
-155 INSERT/UPDATE into external (linked) cannot use an array variable for input of new values
-161 References to an SQL connexion must constitute a whole subquery
-162 SQL Connection is not defined
-163 Heterogeneous queries via the JDBC gateway are not supported
-180 Model name non unique
-181 Model or Trained Model not establish
-182 No query is defined for the model
-183 Predicting Column cannot appear in the specified WITH cavalcade list
-184 Provider grade non found
-185 Predicting Cavalcade only has one unique value in the dataset
-186 Model's Provider is unavailable on this instance
-187 ML Configuration not establish
-188 ML Configuration property is not supported for this provider
-189 Cannot Drib the System Default ML Configuration
-190 IntegratedML non permitted with current license
-191 Model has no default trained model. Information technology may non have been trained.
-192 ML Configuration proper name not unique
-193 Model Column / With Column blazon mismatch
-194 Cannot specify Non DEFAULT when the Trained Model name is the same as the Model'south DefaultTrainedModel
-201 Table or view name not unique
-220 Gateway query error
-221 Gateway query GetConnection() failed
-222 Gateway query AllocStatement() failed
-223 Gateway query Ready() failed
-225 Gateway query BindParameters() failed
-226 Gateway query Execute() failed
-227 Gateway query Fetch() failed
-228 Gateway query GetData() failed
-241 Parallel query queue mistake
-242 Parallel query run-time error
-251 Sharded query queue mistake
-252 Sharded query run-time error
-253 Sharded INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE run-time error
-300 DDL not allowed on this table definition
-301 No Savepoint proper noun
-302 Savepoint names starting with "SYS" are reserved
-303 No implicit conversion of Stream value to non-Stream field in UPDATE consignment is supported
-304 Effort to add together a NOT Goose egg field with no default value to a table which contains data
-305 Try to make field required when the table has 1 or more rows where the column value is Null
-306 Cavalcade with this name already exists
-307 Primary key already defined for this tabular array
-308 Identity column already defined for this table
-309 The left operand of %CONTAINS is not a property that supports the %Text interface
-310 Strange key references not-real table
-311 Foreign key with aforementioned proper name already defined for this table
-312 Invalid schema name. Must employ delimited identifiers to reference this schema name
-313 Condition expression not supported for Stream fields
-314 Foreign key references non-unique key/column collection
-315 Constraint or Fundamental not found
-316 Strange fundamental references non-existent key/column collection
-317 Cannot Drib Constraint - One or more Strange Key constraints reference this Unique constraint
-319 Referenced table has no primary key defined
-320 Cannot DROP table - One or more Foreign Central constraints reference this table
-321 Cannot Drib view - One or more views reference this view
-322 Cannot DROP column — column is divers on one or more indexes or constraints
-324 Index with this name already divers for this tabular array
-325 Index cannot exist dropped because it is the IDKEY index and the table has data
-326 Duplicate TUNE TABLE option clause establish
-327 Duplicate table option found
-333 No such alphabetize defined
-334 Index name is ambiguous. Alphabetize found in multiple tables.
-340 No such database (namespace) defined
-341 Database file already exists
-342 Cannot delete system namespace
-343 Invalid database proper noun
-344 Cannot driblet database that you are currently using or connected to
-350 An unexpected error occurred executing SqlComputeCode
-356 SQL Part (office stored procedure) is non defined to return a value
-357 SQL Function (office stored procedure) is not divers as a function procedure
-358 SQL Function (role stored procedure) name not unique
-359 SQL Function (function stored process) not found
-360 Class not constitute
-361 Method or Query proper name not unique
-362 Method or Query non found
-363 Trigger not found
-364 Trigger with aforementioned EVENT, Fourth dimension, and Society already divers
-365 Trigger name not unique
-366 Schema proper noun mismatch between trigger proper name and table name
-370 SQL CALL, more than arguments specified than defined in the stored process
-371 :HVar = Call ... Specified for a procedure which does not return a value
-372 Support for extrinsic part calls are disabled
-373 An extrinsic function phone call may not call a % routine
-374 Cannot alter the datatype of a field to/from a stream type when the table contains data
-375 Cannot ROLLBACK to unestablished savepoint
-376 Unsupported Cast target specified
-377 Field appears more than in one case in assignment list of insert or update statement
-378 Datatype mismatch, explicit Bandage is required
-380 Invalid or Missing argument to scalar function
-381 Too many arguments to scalar part

SQL Mistake Codes -400 to -500

Error Code Clarification
-400 Fatal mistake occurred
-401 Fatal Connectedness error
-402 Invalid Username/Password
-405 Unable to read from advice device
-406 Unable to Write to Server
-407 Unable to Write to Server Chief
-408 Unable to start server
-409 Invalid server function
-410 Invalid Directory
-411 No stream object divers for field
-412 General stream error
-413 Incompatible client/server protocol
-415 Fatal error occurred inside the SQL filer
-416 Info Error
-417 Security Error
-422 SELECT request processed via ODBC, JDBC, or Dynamic SQL cannot comprise an INTO clause
-425 Error processing stored procedure request
-426 Error preparing stored procedure
-427 Invalid stored procedure name
-428 Stored procedure non found
-429 Invalid number of input/output parameters for stored procedure
-430 Cannot initialize procedure context
-431 Stored procedure parameter type mismatch
-432 Function returned multiple rows when only a single value is expected
-450 Request timed out due to user timeout
-451 Unable to receive server message
-452 Bulletin sequencing error
-453 Error in user initialization code
-454 Error sending external interrupt request
-456 SQL query execution interrupted by user
-459 Kerberos authentication failure
-460 General fault
-461 Communication link failure
-462 Memory allocation failure
-463 Invalid column number
-464 Part sequence mistake
-465 Invalid cord or buffer length
-466 Invalid parameter number
-467 Cavalcade blazon out of range
-468 Fetch type out of range
-469 Driver non capable
-470 Option value changed
-471 Indistinguishable cursor name
-472 A collection-valued property was expected
-473 Schema non establish
-478 Query recompiled: Upshot Set mismatch
-500 Fetch row count limit reached

WinSock Error Codes -10050 to -11002

Error Code Description
-10050 WinSock: Network is down
-10051 WinSock: Network is unreachable
-10052 WinSock: Cyberspace dropped connexion or reset
-10054 WinSock: Connection reset by peer (due to timeout or reboot)
-10055 WinSock: No buffer infinite available
-10056 WinSock: Socket is already connected
-10057 WinSock: Socket is non connected
-10058 WinSock: Cannot send subsequently socket shutdown
-10060 WinSock: Connectedness timed out
-10061 WinSock: Connexion refused
-10064 WinSock: Host is downwards
-10065 WinSock: No route to host
-10070 WinSock: Stale NFS file handle
-10091 WinSock: Network subsystem is unavailable
-10092 WinSock: WINSOCK DLL version out of range
-10093 WinSock: Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed
-11001 WinSock: Host non plant
-11002 WinSock: Nonauthoritative host non found


0 Response to "Error C0113: Error Reading Object Source Entry"

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